Cocoon Tree

What is a copyright? S. 3 of the Copyright Act explains that ‘copyright’ refers to the sole right to produce or reproduce a work or a substantial part of it in any form. It encompasses the right to perform the work, or publish the work, if the work is unpublished. Copyright covers original works including…

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Checklist Pen

If you’re ready to protect your Intellectual Property, use this checklist to ensure you’re taking all the necessary steps to secure your copyrights and trademarks. If you are still unsure about the reasons to trademark or copyright your IP make sure to read the previous articles, 5 Reasons to Trademark Your Business Name & Logo…

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Forest Path

In Canada, trademarks may be registered or unregistered. Trademark registration is governed by the federal Trade-Marks Act. The Trade-Marks Act establishes a regime under which applicants apply to have their trademarks registered into the Register of Trademarks, the record of all formally applied for and registered trademarks in Canada. There are many reasons why registering…

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